Falling...just in time for winter

It's been three weeks since I last saw the members of the Candy Houses Writing Collective.  It's possible things will be different when we all return from winter break.  My graduate classes for next semester fall on the same day as our writing workshop, so either the day will change, or class will come to an abrupt end.  My hope is the former, but our future all depends on the after school programs staffing coordinators.

Long overdue, our first free-write-micro-mini-zine was completed over the winter break, along with some hopeful brainstorming about our upcoming project for the writing collective.  I have a friend who is currently teaching English in South Korea to multi-age kids, and we've been discussing the possibility of starting a pen-pals project.  Just before we went on vacation, the Candy Houses Writing Collective students began an "I am" poetry project, which is sort of a non-conventional biographical writing project.  My thought is to make up some "I am" poetry books to send over to South Korea, as a starting place for them to select their respective pen pals.  I like the format for the Falling stories publication (micro-mini), so we might use a similar format for some "I am" poetry books.
Stay Tuned...


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