Winter Break

Vacation has arrived.  

On the last day of school I found myself lingering about my classroom before departing for two whole weeks.  I'm attached to that stuffy old portable like I am to my favorite boots.  My classroom is a place I've worn-in comfortably with the help of my students, a whole lot of books and a cozy reading chair.  It's a place for us read together, write together and talk about our learning.  Though far too much time there results in multiple failed attempts to explain simple directions, or working to refocus the class after some impetuous outburst caused by a bout of ten-year-old insanity... I miss them when we're apart. 

As a first year teacher, I definitely recognize all the novice maneuvers I pull as they unfold.  My kids and I have piloted so many new ideas for dealing with this and that, I'm not even sure we know what's going on half the time.  It seems every learning experience in the classroom turns into a lesson in better preparation for me.  For someone who thrives on spontaneity, running a classroom can be both exciting and grueling.

For years I worried I would never find something I wanted to do for any length of time. I'm the antsy type--- always looking toward the next thing, feeling panicky and trapped if things stay the same for too long, but it turns out teaching really fits. I love the schedule of being a teacher, as it allows me to continue looking ahead toward the next lesson, class, unit, trimester...vacation.  There's always a second chance to try again.  Thankfully, kids are mostly flexible and receptive to change. My job as a teacher is one of my happiest roles right now. When I go in to work, I feel competent, and I know I am making a difference in several young lives.  I have also grown to love working among co-workers dedicated to the same mission.  There's always someone there to scrape me off the floor when I've melted into a puddle of exasperation, or to pat me on the back for my achievements. 

Four months later, I'm finally posting some pictures of my classroom.
Happy Holidays to you and yours. 


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