change before the change

Due to some structural changes at work, my co-worker and I were told today that we are no longer going to be teaching the same reading classes we thought we'd be starting next week.  During the early morning portion of my day, I was going to teach reading intervention to third grade only, serving 15 students total.  Now I will be adding first and second grades as well.  For more reasons than I care to go into, my initial feeling is frustration.  However, I know after a day or two, and a couple of sleeps I'll be just fine.  I quite enjoy first and second graders too.  I just really wanted a chance to try my best at something I've thought long and hard about, collected materials for and spent most of my summer months planning and preparing for.  Right now I feel defeated, but I also know I'm lucky just to have the chance to gain some experience.  

My best teachers were those who challenged their students while remaining active students in their own disciplines and of life in general. Those were the ones I tried to be most like because their behavior was what I most respected.  I have a lot of learning and growing to do.  


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