Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning is the main component of my workshop model for strengthening student writing skills. In the process of producing and finishing a writing project, students feel connected to their work. Our writing collective projects and student publications are a source of pride for students, as well as a permanent reminder of their own accomplishment.

The major tenets of project-based learning are:

  • To give students the chance to collaborate with multi-aged peers.
  • To place students in independent decision-making roles about their their writing.
  • To design projects with more than one right answer, leaving room for creativity and critical thinking.
  • To take advantage of an authentic audience of readers outside the classroom setting, enhancing students’ pride in their work.
  • To show students that school activities have value beyond the classroom.
  • To engage students in choice-based projects.
  • To demonstrate to students how membership in a collaborative project, resulting in a finished product, creates a meaningful learning experience.

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